Multiplication Facts: Setting Goals and Making It Fun!!

I haven’t always been keen on timed multiplication tests     for my kiddos. However, I was looking for something that would motivate my kids to learn their facts. So we started taking a 3-minute multiplication facts test every Friday after their weekly assessment. Well, it was a hit!  Once they passed the test, they were able to write their name on the star below that fact.

  To stay organized, I put the fluency fact sheets in sandwich bags for easy access. The students go up and pull out the fact sheet that they want to take a test on that week.  I was really surprised how well it went over with my upper grade students.  They are so excited to start it up again this year.  

Interested in my multiplication facts fluency assessments? Click the link below:

Getting Organized in a Resource Room Setting: Tip #1 Student Kits

  Do you ever get tired of kids needing to sharpen pencils, get a glue stick, or a pair of scissors?!?  I started making kits a couple of years ago for every desk in my classroom.  Each kit includes the following items: extra pencils, scissors, a box of crayons, a small ruler, a pencil sharpener, and a dry-erase marker with an eraser. I can’t tell you how much this saves time in my classroom. When you only have students for 40 minutes per period, you have to be efficient.  It also adds to the overall structure of my classroom. Everything they will need to participate in the lesson is right at their desk. 
  Right now is a great time to stock up on these items during Back-to-School sales.  I actually bought the kits and pencil sharpeners on sale at Wal-mart for 10 cents each!!!  The dry-erase markers can be purchased at Office Depot.  They come in a pack of 6 and only cost 5 dollars. I will leave you with a picture of the kits that I use in my resource room.